Continuous Verification for Jenkins
Save hours of manual verification while deploying an application using Jenkins.
Do not spend hours manually diagnosing and troubleshooting issues spurting from your Jenkins extended pipeline. Identifying the risk of release is no more an arduous task.
Plug in OpsMx to get continuous feedback and auto-detection of underlying issues across the stages of your delivery pipeline.
Build Risk Assessment and Diagnosis
Never let an unforeseen or unsuspecting bug crawl under your surveillance when you have just finished executing a world-class product release.
Why limit assessments to the release cycle? Get local and assess risk during a developer code commit.
Test Risk Assessment and Diagnosis
Analyzing Test reports are now fully automated. Cut down on triage by redirecting your engineers to the root cause of an issue.
OpsMx Intelligence can pinpoint the location of the root cause for engineers to fix the bug in no time.
Automated Decisioning for Deployment Automation
Transform Jenkins X into a fully autonomous deployment pipeline by verifying new application deployments based on errors, exceptions, and performance. Get instant rollbacks or deploy approvals based on machine learning algorithms.
Granular Visibility with Production Telemetry
Insightful data to gauge stability and performance of latest releases in a single dashboard. Visualize and analyze parameters like business logic and infrastructure metrics on real-time data.
Get out-of-the-box integrations for log analyzers and APM tools you have already invested in. It takes a few mins to integrate with monitoring tools, fetch data, analyze data, and prescribe results about build, deploy, test, and prod verification.
Key Benefits
Faster Triage
Reduce time to identify errors in build, deploy, test, and production phases from hours to seconds with the built-in diagnostic features
Developer Friendly
Remove toil to improve developer productivity with ease of use and familiar languages and tools- YAML/Git.
Elevated customer experience
With continuous verification and production telemetry, enterprises can be sure their site is not negatively impacted due to change and ensure customer delight.
Debugging Build Failures with Autopilot
How to use Autopilot’s ML technologies to reduce overall time taken for build process by dubbing build failures in minutes
Validate Software Releases Through Application Behavior Analysis
Learn more ways to leverage automatic in-depth application behavioral based analysis to validate releases quicker, find defects early and spend less time diagnosing the issues.
OpsMx Enterprise for Spinnaker (OES) 2.9: Enterprise Ready...
Learn major enhancements about new release of OES2.9
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By Enterprises
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