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Safe Deployment Strategies

OpsMx Enterprise for Spinnaker (OES) allows you to safely and consistently deploy applications in Kubernetes with built-in, ready-to-use deployment strategies such as Blue-Green, Canary, A/B, and Rolling Update. OES treats Kubernetes as first-class citizens and supports Kubernetes resources and operators for custom strategies.

Canary and Blue-Green Deployment

Avoid production downtime and mitigate risk of introducing new software by using in-built strategies like Canary and Blue-Green deployments. OES has native istio support, which makes traffic splitting easy between various kubernetes pods such as baseline and canary.

Custom Stages for Verification

Create custom stages in the deployment pipeline for verifying performance and quality of new software release in the production.

1-Click Rollback

In case of any regression, SREs can automatically rollback to the previous version with a single click to avoid degradation of customer experience.

Approvals Gates

Use the manual judgement stage in the pipeline, a stage where release managers can go through aggregated information to approve or reject pipeline progression.

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