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Secure Continuous Delivery

Industry’s First CI/CD Solution With Enterprise DevSecOps Capabilities

OpsMx Secure CD is a multi-cloud delivery orchestration and delivery intelligence software combined with enterprise ASOC (Application Security Orchestration and Correlation) / ASPM (Application Security Posture Management) capabilities to implement DevSecOps for the entire software delivery supply-chain.


OpsMx Secure CD augments the speed & volume of app delivery with security.

Secure Continuous Delivery

Key Continuous Delivery Capabilities

Advanced Delivery Metrics

Scriptless Multi Cloud and Kubernetes Deployments

Enable scriptless safe, fast and reliable deployments to Kubernetes or multi cloud environments.

Autonomous Team Workspaces

Automated Pipelines and Scalable GitOps

Easy to build powerful workflows that fit into your existing ecosystem to facilitate Approvals, Risk analysis, policy enforcement.

Delivery Verifications for Reduced Risk

Advanced Deployment Strategies

Ensure safe deployments using blue-green, highlander or canary deployments. Instant rollbacks at the click of a button.

Delivery Verifications for Reduced Risk

Delivery Verifications for Reduced Risk

Continuous verification to identify potential release failures before they reach production.

Easy Self-Serve UI

Software Delivery Audit and Compliance

Capture and maintain a comprehensive audit record to support automated compliance reporting. Out-of-the-box dashboards.

End-to-end Visibility and Control (code-to-cloud)

End-to-end Visibility and Control (code-to-cloud)

No script approach to automate each stage, not restricted to build, verify, deploy, operate, rollback.

Key Security Capabilities

Scripless Multicloud and Kubernetes Deployments

Security Posture Management

Automatically discover the process and gather, synthesize, correlate data from across the full set of DevOps and security tools.

Automated Pipelines and Scalable GitOps

Continuous Automated Risk Assessment

AI/ML models to continuously assess the security and performance risks and impacts of any new deployment.

Deployment Firewall

Deployment Firewall

Prevent vulnerabilities to go to production, reduce chances of failures.

Continuous Security and Governance

Automated Data-driven Approvals

Data-driven policies for automated approvals and for automated security and compliance. Pre-packaged guardrails (from build to production).

Advanced Deployment Strategies

Security Vulnerability Tracing and Incident Response

Quickly identify vulnerabilities and trace them in the production.

Proactive Security Controls

Proactive Security Controls

Secure software delivery and deployment while securing code and production applications.

For security features and capabilities please refer to the Secure Software Delivery page.


Deliver Better Software Faster

Deliver Better Software Faster

10x Speed of delivery – Intelligent automation applied to the software delivery pipeline enables users to improve the velocity, accuracy, and security of software deliveries.

Shift-left Security

Shift-Left Security and Compliance

100% Compliance – Central security and compliance teams can define enterprise-wide security and compliance checks with policy enforcement by intelligent automation.

Deliver Software anywhere

Deliver Software Anywhere

Zero Downtime – Safe, fast and reliable deployments to Kubernetes or multi-cloud, or on-prem destination.

Turbocharge DevOps

Turbocharge DevSecOps / DevOps Productivity

Zero Risks and Errors – Eliminate manual tasks, enable teams to focus on delivering customer value, not maintaining scripts and infra and pushing code to production.

Best of breed tools

Best-of-Breed Tools and Processes

Get Started in minutes – Out of the box native integration to support 70+ deep integrations with current and future CI/CD and DevOps tool chain.

Breakthrough Delivery

Reduce Vulnerabilities & Production errors

80% less production issues though Automated verifications for security (code, infra, pipelines), test, deployment and compliances.

Fast time to Value

Breakthrough Delivery Patterns

Intelligent automation combined with delivery strategies such as canary, blue-green, and progressive delivery enables breakthroughs in delivery speeds and accuracy.

Improve Developer Experience

Improve Developer Experience

Enable exceptional developer experience and productivity with GitOps model with complete visibility and insights

Fast time to Value

Audit Readiness

Be audit-ready at any given point of time with all the data available at the press of a button – who did what and when!

Secure CD Architecture

The OpsMx platform delivers maximum flexibility through the open tool and CD engine integrations. Combined with AI-powered intelligent automation and decentralized control, the system enables development teams to ship better software faster.

ISD Arhitecture

OpsMx Secure CD consists of a Delivery Orchestration layer that allows teams to design, orchestrate and manage an end-to-end (code to multi-cloud) pipeline while leveraging their existing DevOps tool chain like Git, Jenkins, Jira, etc. An AI/ML driven intelligence layer sits on top of the delivery orchestration to practically automate everything including, approvals, verification (code, build, test, deployment), compliance and governance as well as security enabling elimination of any vulnerabilities around code, pipeline and infra).

Open CD Layer

Multi Cloud Delivery Orchestration

This layer allows you to orchestrate – design, simplify, execute continuous delivery workflow for multi cloud deployments / rollback seamlessly while leveraging you existing DevOps / infra tools.

Intelligent Automation Layer

Intelligent Automation Layer

The Intelligent Automation Layer – powered by AI and ML– leverages deep process and tool insights to assess release risk throughout the delivery process and automates routine tasks.
OpsMx Secure CD can be used as a comprehensive product suite or individual Intelligent Automation Modules can be used for common use cases such as Workflow Automation, Delivery Verifications, and Security and Compliance.

DevOps Integration Layer

DevOps / DevSecOps Integration Layer

The DevOps / DevSecOps Integration Layer is an open framework with deep, native integrations to 70+ common CI/CD tools. Comprehensive tools data powers the AI engine and enables the Intelligent Automation Layer to control workflows from code commit to deployment.

Decentralized Control Layer

Decentralized Control Layer

The Decentralized Control Layer creates virtualized, secure workspaces that enable autonomous teams to run CD pipelines without the overhead of operating separate, isolated CD systems. It also enables central groups – such as security, compliance, and DevOps shared services – to enforce compliance across all the virtualized team spaces.

Implementing Secure Delivery for Your Existing CI/CD Tools

For enterprises having a matured CI/CD tool-based approach intending to achieve security and compliance automation with scalability and ease-of-use (no-code approach).